Twinkly Squares LED panels 5+1

Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $360.00.

Revolutionary Twinkly Squares smart LED wall panels completely redefine decorative lighting.
This modular screen decoration displays pixel-perfect artwork and GIFs for your home or office space, ambient lighting, reactive gaming lights, or a unique night light for kids.

Each master tile connects to up to 15 extension panels. For larger displays, add another master tile and more extension panels. Then use the Twinkly app to group the installation to perform as one.

Starter Kit: 1 Master Tile, 5 Extension Panels, USB-C cable and power adaptor, mounting kit, and connecting cables to link the panels.
Master Tile: 1 Master Tile, USB-C power cable and mounting kit. To be combined with the Extension Kit.
Extension Kit: 3 Extension panels, connecting cables, and mounting kit. Must be combined with a Master Tile.

For indoor use only

4 in stock

SKU TWQ064STW-07-BAU Categories ,

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